Omar Chasan

Omar Chasán


Omar Chasán

Omar is part of the fourth generation of weavers in his family, the youngest son of three. He learned to weave at the age of 8, and his work is based on experimentation, form and color. The freedom to create is an essential element of his process.

He is involved in every part of the creation of his pieces, carefully dyeing his yarn with exclusively natural dyes, respecting history and natural time in every element he uses. Simultaneously, he creates the design in his mind and weaves it: his ideas develop without a fixed pattern, following his experiences and emotions as they change over time.

Omar is an industrial engineer, graduated from the Anáhuac University in Oaxaca, from which he learned to be very detailed and careful in his processes. His philosophy is clear: to create carpet collections of the highest quality, innovative in their textile

Each rug is carefully considered to communicate harmony and freedom to his audience, through the union of warp and weft, he seeks inspiration to create new possibilities and ways of doing and seeing things.

At his young age, Omar has performed in different spaces to talk about his creative process, which mixes his ancient textile tradition with his vision of contemporaneity.

Arrópame desde los pies, Oaxaca, (2013), Echoview fiber Mill, Asheville, NC (2018), Meredith college Art Department, NC (2019), Philadelphia Magic Gardens, PA (2019), Manayunk Weaver’s guild, PA (2019), Galería O, Oaxaca (2022).

Recipient of the Alice Brown 2021 memorial grant from the warp organization (Weave a Real Peace). His work has been featured in Orillo magazine, the fabric of your life. Issue 204, 2021.

He is currently in charge of the design and production department of Fe y Lola Rugs and Textiles in Oaxaca, Mexico.




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